
Our mission is to improve global line up safety by sharing expert knowledge from seasoned big wave surfers and make that readily available online.

We are guided by four simple values:

  1. Help others and share what you know.

  2. Don’t expose surf spots. Nobody wants the crowds to get bigger. Let’s aim to make them better. We don’t share spot info but do stimulate being more prepared before you paddle out wherever that may be.

  3. Only promote what works. We only promote products we believe are truly valuable for anyone looking for ways to prepare to push their limits, whatever those limits may be. We look for suggestions from top big wave surfers and try to test everything whenever we can.

  4. Pass on practical information. We’ve all been helped by others when we first started surfing. Share the stoke, share what was given to you. Pass down what you know for the next generation to built upon.